Height: 15 feet

Crest: 25 feet

Difficulty to reach: Moderate to Difficult

Water flow level: Medium

Address: Fallsville Falls State Wildlife Area

Photo by Caleb Huff

Getting to Fallsville Falls:

The Fallsville Falls Trailhead has no address and is located on Carey Road. If coming from Careytown, Ohio, head south on Careytown Road for approx 2 miles and be on the lookout for a gated road, this is the Trailhead. Park your car here. Don't worry, it's perfectly legal. Walk down the road for 1/4 of a mile until the trail to goes off into the woods. After going through the woods for a little bit you will descend into the gorge below and reach the falls.

Fallsville Falls is located within the Fallsville Falls State Wildlife Area, a 1000+ acre preserve in Clinton County. Although the picture seems to say differently, this waterfall usually doesn't have an incredible amount of water flowing down it, so its best to view it after a decent rain or snowmelt. This waterfall was once the center of a town, which has since been long abandoned. All that's left of the town is the ruins of an old mill, which is adjacent to the waterfall.

Fallsville Falls